Satyr Comma
The key to raising satyr commas is to either get live females for eggs or to know exactly when and where to go to find them on host stinging nettle.
Satyr commas fly in mid-elevation canyons of the Rocky Mountains as well as along rivers of the valley floor where their larvae make distinctive nests on stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Whenever you find patches of stinging nettle in the field from roughly May to July, if you know you're in an area where satyr commas fly, it's always a good idea to try to look and locate their unique nests.
Click here to watch a video that shows you the type of habitat as to where to find caterpillars as well as shows the differences between the nests that satyr comma larvae construct on the nettle vs. the the nests that milberts tortoiseshells or red admirals make.
Satyr Comma Adult Series
Here is a photo of two males and two female satyr comma butterflies. The males are on the left and the underside (ventral surfaces) are below.
Stinging Nettle
Close up shot of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) growing alongside the Provo River in Utah. When looking for caterpillars, never touch this plant without rubber gloves unless you know what you're doing and have experience with this plant.
Stinging Nettle Grows in Clumps
Here is a photo of a cluster of stinging nettle.
Look for Rolled Leafed Nests
When looking for nests of the satyr comma, looked for leaves that have been broken in the midvein and folded downward; which, is the just the opposite direction if you compare to the nest of the red admiral and milbert's tortoiseshell. (Photo courtesy Nicky Davis.)
Rolled Leaf Nest of the Satyr Comma
Photo courtesy Nicky Davis.
Open Bucket Setup for Caterpillars
Identical to the strategy of rearing milbert's tortoiseshells and red admirals, use rubber gloves when handling nettle. Place cuttings in bottled water. Cork the opening with toilet or facial tissue; so that the plant goes through to the water; but caterpillars CANT! Replace host every five days or so. Make sure your lid either has holes or cut a hole out of the lid and place screen over the hole so that caterpillar frass will dry and not get your larva sick.
Satyr Comma Fifth Instar Caterpillar
Rests before forming a prepupa.
Satyr Comma Prepupa
After your fifth instar caterpillar feeds for a few days, it will hang in this fashion, similar to other brush foot butterflies, and form a prepupa. (Photo courtesy Nicky Davis.)
Satyr Comma Pupa (Just prior to adult emergence)
Photo courtesy Nicky Davis.
Satyr Comma Emergence
Photos courtesy Nicky Davis.